viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

IT policies

  •  Before users have the privilege of opening sensitive information  they must get permission from the administrator. 
  • Every computer must have antivirus software that is already approved by the IT department and must be set up to auto update daily.
  • Security Patches should be installed as soon as they are available for download.
  • Computers should be set up to lock automatically after an inactivity period, or users must lock it to prevent unauthorized handling of sensitive data
  • Every user must classify its data from A to D (A is the most sensitive)
  • Password should be changed after a certain period of time ( from 2 to 6 months) 
  • Passwords should be secure (combination of alphanumeric keys and symbols)
  • Malware infected devices must be disconnected from the network.
  • Only handle sensitive information on mobile devices if it is encrypted.
  • It´s a must to notify the IT department if your mobile device is stolen or lost.

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Google Operators

Must people have not realized yet that using some commands and characters, they can improve their searches done with Google.
Every operator used to fine tune your search must be surrounded by spaces.If this is not done Google will not search for what you are looking for but will search for pages containing all those words.

I will explain in this post the purpose of the following operators:

  •  +
 The plus (+) operator is usedto force Google include a term to search for.
Ex: Selassie +Jah will find all the pages wich talk about Haile Selassie wich contain the term Jah

  •  -
The minus (-) operator will force Google to search results without a word
Ex: Ecuador -Correa will search for every page related to Ecuador without the word Correa
    The OR operator will search for one term or the other one.
    Ex: Ecuador OR Peru will search for pages containing the word Ecuador or Peru
    •  allintext 
    The allintext operator will force google to look for results not in the page´s tittle

    Ex: allintext paintball will search for every page that contains paintball somewhere on its content.
    •  define 
    The define operator searches for dicctionary definitions
    Ex: define bunker will search for the word bunker definitions
    •  site:
    The site: operator forces google to search the query words on a specific page
    Ex: Wiz Khalifa will search for every item containing Wiz Khalifa on

    lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

      "The profits are in the computers themselves, not this software stuff ".-IBM Executive
    This quote makes us know that in the past no one would imagine getting rich from selling software. Today´s wealthiest man on earth made his fortune with it. So everyone knows that you can take huge profits from software and that the IBM Executive who´s this quote is from was completely wrong.
     "Good artists copy, great artists steal".-Steve Jobs
    When Steve Jobs said this he was trying to say that if you want to be great you got to innovate something.
    Because you can do a good thing copying from someone but everybody would know how you did it. If you steal someones work and present it as yours everybody will recognize it as your work.
    "Steve Wozniak: Where's your beard? Steve Jobs: In the bathroom sink. I shaved it off. Steve Wozniak: Well, how come? Steve Jobs: 'Cause banks don't like beards."
    This conversation between Wozniak and Jobs was after Steve went into several banks to get a loan.
    All of them rejected it because of his hippy appereance so when he realized that decided that shaving his beard would help him to get what he want. Wozniak was shocked when he saw Steve without his bear but
    in the end it actually worked. This proves that your appereance has a lot to do with success.

    " Bill Gates: Now, we know that IBM has set up this place to complete head-on with Apple, and that you're gearing up to come out with a personal computer that will wipe them out. So we can get you an operating system. IBM executive: What kind of operating system? Bill Gates: It's called DOS. Ballmer (narrating): This is amazing. Not just amazing, it's historic. It should be taught in all the history books. Hung and framed in the National Gallery or something, because this is the instant of creation of one of the greatest fortunes in the history of the world. I mean, Bill Gates is the richest guy in the world because of what started in this room. And you wanna know what else? It wasn't exactly smoke and mirrors, but we didn't have anything! I mean, not a damn thing! Here we were, this two-bit little outfit, telling IBM we had the answer to their problems. The DOS? The Disk Operating System? To make all those zillion IBM computers compute? We didn't remotely own anything like what Bill was selling them. Nada. Zip"
    At this time Bill went into an IBM office and explain the DOS (Disk Operating System) and how it will make work IBM computers better than apple ones. At this time Gates was making the deal which lead him to his inmense fortune. The only problem was that at that time they had nothing just an idea but they presented it so well that IBM executives actually believed them.
     "Arlene: Steve, why do you care what I call the baby? Steve Jobs: Because I don't want the baby named Rainbow! Or Orisha, or Ravi Shankar, or any other name like that."
    This was when Steve went into Arlene´s house months after denying his son. He persuaded her to name the baby as he wanted but at a point she got mad and told him that why does he care if he didn´t accepted it first. Then he makes it clear that he cared because he actually didn´t want the baby to be a hippy and wanted good things for her.
     "Bill Gates: I don't understand - how does the hardware handle the mouse/cursor display? Gilmore: No, it's all right here in the software... Steve Jobs: Enough! [angrily mashes button, closing the Macintosh display] Gilmore: Sorry, Steve. Steve Jobs: There's no use torturing our guests with what they can't have"

    Basic OS related terms

    1. Single tasking
    The ability of an OS to perform only one task at a time
    2. Multitasking
    The ability of an OS you perform multiple tasks at the same time
    3. Multi user
    An OS that supports multiple users gives different user profiles and workspaces for each user.
    4. Single user
    A single user OS only supports one user and personal configuration
    5. Boot
    Operation required to start a computer in its normal operating configuration.
    6. Kernel
    The part of an OS that connects hardware and software.
    7. Defragment disk
    When file pieces are joined together.
    8. Disk format
    When a storage device is blanked and features changing it´s working format. 
    9. User profiles
    Collection of data associated to an user.
    10. Logs
    Registry where every action is logged (saved)