jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Google Operators

Must people have not realized yet that using some commands and characters, they can improve their searches done with Google.
Every operator used to fine tune your search must be surrounded by spaces.If this is not done Google will not search for what you are looking for but will search for pages containing all those words.

I will explain in this post the purpose of the following operators:

  •  +
 The plus (+) operator is usedto force Google include a term to search for.
Ex: Selassie +Jah will find all the pages wich talk about Haile Selassie wich contain the term Jah

  •  -
The minus (-) operator will force Google to search results without a word
Ex: Ecuador -Correa will search for every page related to Ecuador without the word Correa
    The OR operator will search for one term or the other one.
    Ex: Ecuador OR Peru will search for pages containing the word Ecuador or Peru
    •  allintext 
    The allintext operator will force google to look for results not in the page´s tittle

    Ex: allintext paintball will search for every page that contains paintball somewhere on its content.
    •  define 
    The define operator searches for dicctionary definitions
    Ex: define bunker will search for the word bunker definitions
    •  site:
    The site: operator forces google to search the query words on a specific page
    Ex: site:www.4shared.com Wiz Khalifa will search for every item containing Wiz Khalifa on www.4shared.com

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