miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011


1. EULA stands for End User License Agreement and is a legal agreement in wich are contained the terms required to be accepted in order to use some kind of software. Also restrictions and warranty information can be located is this file.
2. Types of licenses
Single-user license: The one that limits using the specific software only in one device.
Multi-user license: The one that allows you using software in multiple devices.
Site license: This type of license allows you to run the application in several devices in the same network. It is cheaper than buying one license for every device.
This is essential because in it you can find all the information you need about support and what you can do if it does not work correctly.
4. When planning System life cycle the USLA must be written in order to establish what it will be guaranteed to users and what they need to avoid doing with your software.
  • Acceptance testing
This is done to determine if the software developed meets the requirements set in the agreement. Usually there are two acceptance tests, one before software goes live (pre-live) wich is performed in a controlled enviroment to prevent failures when it goes live and the other test (post live)  inmediatly after it is launched in order to correct new failures detected.

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