lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011

CMD Basics

  • CLI (command line interface): is human-computer interface that provides a way of giving orders to the computer by typing specific commands in a terminal.
  • GUI (graphical user interface): A user friendly human-computer interface that allows the user to use the computer with images rather than with text commands.
Both allow user to give orders to the computer.
CLI requires a mouse while CLI only a keyboard.
In GUI you use images to control things while in CLI there is only plain text.
GUI operates through windows.
GUI uses more resources than CLI.

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

EULA sample

END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR AAS IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE CONTINUING WITH THIS PROGRAM INSTALL: ISS End-User License Agreement ("EULA") is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and ISS. for the ISS software product(s) identified above which may include associated software components, media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation (HMS). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. This license agreement represents the entire agreement concerning the program between you and ISS, (referred to as "licenser"), and it supersedes any prior proposal, representation, or understanding between the parties. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, do not install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed, not sold.
The SOFTWARE PRODUCT is licensed as follows:
(a) Installation and Use.
ISS grants you the right to install and use copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT on your computer running a validly licensed copy of the operating system for which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT was designed  (Windows Vista)
(b) Backup Copies.
You may also make copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT as may be necessary for backup and archival purposes.
(c) Type of license
ISS grants you a site license for the ammount of months that your suscription is valid.
(a) Maintenance of Copyright Notices.
You must not remove or alter any copyright notices on any and all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
(b) Distribution.
You may not distribute registered copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT to third parties. (c) Prohibition on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly.
You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.
(d) Rental.
You may not rent, lease, or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
(e) Support Services.
ISS may provide you with support services related to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT ("Support Services"). Any supplemental software code provided to you as part of the Support Services shall be considered part of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and subject to the terms and conditions of this EULA.
(f) Compliance with Applicable Laws.
You must comply with all applicable laws regarding use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
Without prejudice to any other rights, ISS may terminate this EULA if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this EULA. In such event, you must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT in your possession.
All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any copies thereof are owned by ISS or its suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by ISS.
ISS expressly disclaims any warranty for the SOFTWARE PRODUCT not expresed in this agreement.
ISS does warrant and assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of any information, text, graphics, links or other items contained within the SOFTWARE PRODUCT. ISS makes no warranties respecting any harm that may be caused by the transmission of malware. ISS further expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to Authorized Users or to any third party.
In no event shall ISS be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, lost profits, business interruption, or lost information) rising out of 'Authorized Users' use of or inability to use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, even if ISS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event will  ISS be liable for loss of data or for indirect, special, incidental, consequential (including lost profit), or other damages based ISS in contract, tort or otherwise.  shall have no liability with respect to the content of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT or any part thereof, including but not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, infringements of rights of publicity, privacy, trademark rights, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy, moral rights or the disclosure of confidential information.
Indemnifications are reserved to the decision of ISS and its respective CEO on extrordinary cases.

*HMS is the product name and ISS the company name.

jueves, 8 de diciembre de 2011

Scope, price and performance

6. Scope, price and performance
Scope is the functionality provided by the software, price establishes the ammount that the final user is going to pay and performance refers to the ability of the software to perform as it was described in its documentation. Example:
  • If an application for an hospital is going to be developed. Describing what it would do and addressing the hospital requirements is must, also there must be negotiated a price that the hospital is going to pay for your software. When software is already develop you or your team must veify if  performance is ok, this means that your software must work as it was described.

miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011


1. EULA stands for End User License Agreement and is a legal agreement in wich are contained the terms required to be accepted in order to use some kind of software. Also restrictions and warranty information can be located is this file.
2. Types of licenses
Single-user license: The one that limits using the specific software only in one device.
Multi-user license: The one that allows you using software in multiple devices.
Site license: This type of license allows you to run the application in several devices in the same network. It is cheaper than buying one license for every device.
This is essential because in it you can find all the information you need about support and what you can do if it does not work correctly.
4. When planning System life cycle the USLA must be written in order to establish what it will be guaranteed to users and what they need to avoid doing with your software.
  • Acceptance testing
This is done to determine if the software developed meets the requirements set in the agreement. Usually there are two acceptance tests, one before software goes live (pre-live) wich is performed in a controlled enviroment to prevent failures when it goes live and the other test (post live)  inmediatly after it is launched in order to correct new failures detected.

martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

System Life Cycle

Some people do not follow any order when designing software. This can´t be good because if they truly analyzed what the problem was they could develop better solutions. In the analysis they should talk with their project´s final user and gather all the possible information, perform a feasability study and break down every part of the problem in order to develop a excellent product.

After all the analysis is done then comes the next step. Design is the part in wich operations are described in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams and other documentation. Also it is generally included functional hierarchy diagrams, screen layout diagrams, tables of business rules and pseudocodes. It is intended to be detailed in sufficient detail that a skilled programmer can usually develop the software with minimal additional input design.

In Design also prototypes are made some of them do not work and as the progress is being made bugs are fixed. Several models are released before the final product is done.
The master document that is created in this phase is the 'Systems Requirement Document' in wich is specified what is needed in order to operate.

lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

1. What is Netiquette?
Netiquette stans for network etiquette and is a set of instructions and good manners that everyone should follow to make the online experience pleasant.
2. What should you do when you're in a meeting and you want to be polite?
As a rule of thumb you should put your mobile phone away because when you text in meeting it gives the appereance that the meeting is not as important as your next meeting or your chat. If it is an emergency you should always tell the person first what is going on. And basically ask for their permission to use your mobile device.
3. Summarize three common mistakes and how to deal with them.
  • People tend to ask questions without researching first, this annoys people because most of the times those questions are already answered. An easy fix for this is use the search engine before asking.
  • Another common mistake is that people use abbreviations. They are ok when you are talking with your friends but limit them to those kind of talks because in workplace it makes you look informal.
  • Also people do not seem to understand that subtle emotions are not transmitted correctly on emails,chats and forums and that they must be clear and precise

jueves, 8 de septiembre de 2011


IP is the most used communication ptotocol for sending packets across the internet.
It provides an unique ip address and sending data to it.

A port is a type of software that serves as a communications endpoint and it is used
by the transport protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite

  HTTP is a protocol used to transfer data over the intertet that defines what action will web servers
do upon specific requests

 The World Wide Web are all the resources and users of the internet using http.

HTTPS is the combination of HTTP with SSL/TLS to provide a secure connection

  FTP stand for File Transfer Protocol and is a standar network protocol for exchanging files over the internet.

TCP stand for Transmission Control Protocol and is used by applications that require guaranteed delivery


martes, 6 de septiembre de 2011

Network types

  "A computer network is a collection of two or more computers linked together for the purposes of sharing information, and resources, among other things." Wikipedia

Now that we already got the network definition it is important for you to know the primary types of networks.
Bus network layout
 Bus topology.

 A bus network is a network topology in wich every single client (device) connected to it share a common cable and information is sent through the cable to every client but only the one who need it will use it.
  • Its cost effective because a single cable is used
  • It can be very easy an fast to install.
  •  If there is a problem with the cable the entire network comes down
  • It has a slower data transfer rate than other topologies
Ring network layout
Ring topology
A ring network is a network topology in wich every node is connected with two other nodes. In this topology each client acts as a repeater and information is sent in this way so that the signal arrived its destination strong. 
  • Performs better than bus topologyunder heavy network load
  • Does not require a special node to manage connectivity between clients
  • A malfunctioning workstation can create problem for the entire network.
  • Delay is increased when the network gets bigger.
                                                       Star topology

Star network layout
A star network topology is one in wich everybody is connected to a switch,hub or another computer and it manages communication between clients.
  • It is very easy to expand this networks.
  • Connecting and disconnecting devices does not affect the network.
  • If the central hub or server fails the whole network will be down.
    Mesh topology 
Mesh network layout
A mesh network is one in wich every node transmit and recieves his own data and also
collaborate with other ones to propagate data in the network.
  • Alternate paths exist if there is a failure.
  • no central server or hub is needed.
  • Complex setup.
  • Not cost effective because many cables are used.

martes, 30 de agosto de 2011


"Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life".- Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs was a innovator. The things he did at apple are really
amazing and many experts agree that his presentations always
boosted their products popularity.
He always amazed the audience and make points clear and interesting.
Many people try to copy him but most of the time
they failed because they do something wrong or just is the fact that they do not
have Steve's charisma.

viernes, 22 de julio de 2011

IT policies

  •  Before users have the privilege of opening sensitive information  they must get permission from the administrator. 
  • Every computer must have antivirus software that is already approved by the IT department and must be set up to auto update daily.
  • Security Patches should be installed as soon as they are available for download.
  • Computers should be set up to lock automatically after an inactivity period, or users must lock it to prevent unauthorized handling of sensitive data
  • Every user must classify its data from A to D (A is the most sensitive)
  • Password should be changed after a certain period of time ( from 2 to 6 months) 
  • Passwords should be secure (combination of alphanumeric keys and symbols)
  • Malware infected devices must be disconnected from the network.
  • Only handle sensitive information on mobile devices if it is encrypted.
  • It´s a must to notify the IT department if your mobile device is stolen or lost.

jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Google Operators

Must people have not realized yet that using some commands and characters, they can improve their searches done with Google.
Every operator used to fine tune your search must be surrounded by spaces.If this is not done Google will not search for what you are looking for but will search for pages containing all those words.

I will explain in this post the purpose of the following operators:

  •  +
 The plus (+) operator is usedto force Google include a term to search for.
Ex: Selassie +Jah will find all the pages wich talk about Haile Selassie wich contain the term Jah

  •  -
The minus (-) operator will force Google to search results without a word
Ex: Ecuador -Correa will search for every page related to Ecuador without the word Correa
    The OR operator will search for one term or the other one.
    Ex: Ecuador OR Peru will search for pages containing the word Ecuador or Peru
    •  allintext 
    The allintext operator will force google to look for results not in the page´s tittle

    Ex: allintext paintball will search for every page that contains paintball somewhere on its content.
    •  define 
    The define operator searches for dicctionary definitions
    Ex: define bunker will search for the word bunker definitions
    •  site:
    The site: operator forces google to search the query words on a specific page
    Ex: Wiz Khalifa will search for every item containing Wiz Khalifa on

    lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

      "The profits are in the computers themselves, not this software stuff ".-IBM Executive
    This quote makes us know that in the past no one would imagine getting rich from selling software. Today´s wealthiest man on earth made his fortune with it. So everyone knows that you can take huge profits from software and that the IBM Executive who´s this quote is from was completely wrong.
     "Good artists copy, great artists steal".-Steve Jobs
    When Steve Jobs said this he was trying to say that if you want to be great you got to innovate something.
    Because you can do a good thing copying from someone but everybody would know how you did it. If you steal someones work and present it as yours everybody will recognize it as your work.
    "Steve Wozniak: Where's your beard? Steve Jobs: In the bathroom sink. I shaved it off. Steve Wozniak: Well, how come? Steve Jobs: 'Cause banks don't like beards."
    This conversation between Wozniak and Jobs was after Steve went into several banks to get a loan.
    All of them rejected it because of his hippy appereance so when he realized that decided that shaving his beard would help him to get what he want. Wozniak was shocked when he saw Steve without his bear but
    in the end it actually worked. This proves that your appereance has a lot to do with success.

    " Bill Gates: Now, we know that IBM has set up this place to complete head-on with Apple, and that you're gearing up to come out with a personal computer that will wipe them out. So we can get you an operating system. IBM executive: What kind of operating system? Bill Gates: It's called DOS. Ballmer (narrating): This is amazing. Not just amazing, it's historic. It should be taught in all the history books. Hung and framed in the National Gallery or something, because this is the instant of creation of one of the greatest fortunes in the history of the world. I mean, Bill Gates is the richest guy in the world because of what started in this room. And you wanna know what else? It wasn't exactly smoke and mirrors, but we didn't have anything! I mean, not a damn thing! Here we were, this two-bit little outfit, telling IBM we had the answer to their problems. The DOS? The Disk Operating System? To make all those zillion IBM computers compute? We didn't remotely own anything like what Bill was selling them. Nada. Zip"
    At this time Bill went into an IBM office and explain the DOS (Disk Operating System) and how it will make work IBM computers better than apple ones. At this time Gates was making the deal which lead him to his inmense fortune. The only problem was that at that time they had nothing just an idea but they presented it so well that IBM executives actually believed them.
     "Arlene: Steve, why do you care what I call the baby? Steve Jobs: Because I don't want the baby named Rainbow! Or Orisha, or Ravi Shankar, or any other name like that."
    This was when Steve went into Arlene´s house months after denying his son. He persuaded her to name the baby as he wanted but at a point she got mad and told him that why does he care if he didn´t accepted it first. Then he makes it clear that he cared because he actually didn´t want the baby to be a hippy and wanted good things for her.
     "Bill Gates: I don't understand - how does the hardware handle the mouse/cursor display? Gilmore: No, it's all right here in the software... Steve Jobs: Enough! [angrily mashes button, closing the Macintosh display] Gilmore: Sorry, Steve. Steve Jobs: There's no use torturing our guests with what they can't have"

    Basic OS related terms

    1. Single tasking
    The ability of an OS to perform only one task at a time
    2. Multitasking
    The ability of an OS you perform multiple tasks at the same time
    3. Multi user
    An OS that supports multiple users gives different user profiles and workspaces for each user.
    4. Single user
    A single user OS only supports one user and personal configuration
    5. Boot
    Operation required to start a computer in its normal operating configuration.
    6. Kernel
    The part of an OS that connects hardware and software.
    7. Defragment disk
    When file pieces are joined together.
    8. Disk format
    When a storage device is blanked and features changing it´s working format. 
    9. User profiles
    Collection of data associated to an user.
    10. Logs
    Registry where every action is logged (saved)

    martes, 7 de junio de 2011

    Image Format Comparison

    Image related words

    Pixel: the smallest addressable screen element in a display device.

    Vector image: Images represented by math equations.
    Path: What´s between to points on a vector image.
    Raster Graphic: BItmap images are raster graphics.
    Rasterize: Convert to bitmap.
    Resolution: Directly related with quality, how much details are seen on the image.
    Dpi: Dots per Inch, it´s used on printing devices and refer to the resolution of the printed paper.

    martes, 31 de mayo de 2011

    File extensions

     1.What is a file extension?
    a file extension is a suffix given to a file to indicate file format .
    2.Main aspects of file extensions?
    • Extensions are the way information is encoded.
    • They are used according to file types.
    • Different programs use different extensions.
    • There are tons of extensions right know.
    • Computers manage files according to their file extension.
    • File extensions keep growing.
    • File extensions are propietary (someone owns them and public.
    • Usually the last three characters following a dot are the extension.
    • Extensions can be hidden to spoof people.
    • There are multiple extensions for text files in uncommon languages.
      3.How a file extension is related with digital information?
    File extension is directly related to digital information because they determine the way digits (1´s and 0´s)
    are arranged. Also they vary according to the file type and computers handle files different if they are in another format. 

    4.What means encoding a text file with ANSI or
    An ANSI text file only contains 256 characters so it doesn´t have on its table every character for every language but ANSI2(Double Byte) uses two bytes where the first one contains wich table should be used and the second which character is so multiple tables are used while Unicode uses 2 bytes for each character so  there are 65536 codes to be used and that  provides enough character codes to represent every character of most used languages around the world.
    5.Most popular file extensions for word documents, images and sound. 
    Audio: Mp3,AAC, Midi,WMA,ALAC,FLAC,Audible

    martes, 10 de mayo de 2011

    Motorola Surfboard SB5101 vs Cisco-Linksys Cable Modem

    motorola's modem has a stylish case that saves valuable desk space there's no need to use telephone lines and provides you up to 30mbits per second of upload speed and cisco does just about the same the only difference is that morola's is cheaper and doesn't come with integrated wireless

    connection speeds

    when ISPs refer to kbps they are not refering to kilobytes it's a measure of data trasfer speed. Modems, for example, are measured in Kbps.
    One kbps is 1,000 bits per second and a Kb (kilobyte) is 1,024 bytes. Technically kbps, should be spelled with a lowercase k to indicate that it is decimal but almost everyone spells it with a capital K.
     A kilobit per second is a unit of data transfer rate equal to:
    • 1000 bits per second or
    • 125 bytes per second.

    A megabit per second is a unit of data transfer rate equal to:
    • 1,000,000 bits per second or
    • 1,000 kilobits per second or
    • 125,000 bytes per second.
    So if I had a 5 mbps connection i could trasfer up to 625000 bytes per second or 610 Kilobytes per second or 0.6 MB per second

    Bit,Byte and Terabyte

    lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

    Please Recycle

    Recycling Discs ♻

    Have you ever wondered why our planet is destroying?
    If you want to be part of a solution I suggest you to join us because sometimes we throw things that can be reused so we could reduce global warming and save animals just by recycling stuff that is hanging around our house.
    Compact discs are one good option to start being green because they are just everywhere and you do not need not classify them.

    A great idea is to make a bin out of recycled cardboard to store the CD'S until its full so you take it to your local recycling facility and ask them where to leave them. Just think as this as a good action plus you can also make some extra money.

    miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

    martes, 19 de abril de 2011

    New Trends: Online Storage

     Online Storage Service? What it is and why use it?

    Online storage is a service that lets you save information on internet servers so you will never lose it and its available on the go wherever there is a computer or sometimes even a mobile phone depending on your service provider.
    The benefits of using it is that your innformation is safe from natural disasters like quakes or floods and also from chrashes on your system that would make you lose all.

    Heres a link of a page reviewing the top 10 paid online storage providers.

    lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

    Optical Storage

    an Asus external optical drive

    Optical storage is a term referring to the storage of data on an optically readable medium. Data is recorded by making marks in a pattern that can be read back with the aid of light, usually a beam of laser light precisely focused on a spinning disc.

    This devices do not make direct contact with the disc and the are called optical drives because they use lenses.
    Now compact discs are getting obsolete in my opinion because we got dvd's and Blu-ray discs which have a lot more capacity and are just about the same size.Also Blu-ray discs have a scratch resistant layer that prevent those awful scratches that will damage your infomation.

    The main difference between an optical storage device and a hard drive is that hdd capacities are way far from actual optical drives and that they do not use magnetism to store information. Instead they use a laser that read or burns pits and lands on a disk.

    viernes, 15 de abril de 2011

    Technological Improvements

    Hardware has been improving with the years and they can change the things we do in a radical way.
    • Joystick Evolution

    Modern Joystick
    Atari Joystick
    Ralph H. Baer, inventor of television video games and the Magnavox Odyssey console, released in 1972, created the first video game joysticks in 1967. They were able to control the horizontal and vertical position of a spot displayed on a screen. The earliest known electronic game joystick to be available commercially was released by Sega as part of their 1969 arcade game Missile, a shooter simulation game that used a two-way joystick with a single "fire" button to target and shoot oncoming planes displayed on a projection screen.

    Know Joysticks can simulate real flights and are useful for training pilots because when they are learning they do not need to flight real jets or helicopters when they are novices and also they save money because real flights cost.

    We can say that a device first used for gaming know has evolved to a very useful thing because we can take advantages of it in many aspects like I already said.

    • Keyboard Evolution
    A keyboard originally initiated as a device which triggered electronic switches through an arrange of keys that acted as a mechanical lever.
    Today we got ergonomic keyboard that are devices made for the prevention of hand diseases caused by prolonged computing sessions.
    Technology has advanced a lot in the last ten years and a touchless keyboard has been developed for disabled peole here is the link of a Gizmodo talking about the device.

    • Speakers Evolution
     With the past of the time smaller high fidelity speakers have been developed and the are available at an affordable price in most computer or music shops.
    They make the gaming or watching  movies a whole different experience.
    Also portable Speakers have been developed and their benefits are that you can enjoy music everywhere and they use rechargable batteries so you do not spend on batteries or disposable batteries so you can enjoy music on the go without the hassle of charging times


    How a HDD work

    Here we got a short video explaining how hard drive disks work.

    Hard Drive Parts

    Here is an image I made of a HDD with its parts

    jueves, 14 de abril de 2011

    Western Digital Passport

    Western Digital is a well known hard drive disks manufacturer that has been dominating the storage harwadware bussiness.
    They are Introducing the WD Passport Elite and it is a great portable HDD that leaved us astonished.
    It cames with a backup making software and a tool that lets you recover missing files. It is available in versions from 250GB to 640GB

    martes, 12 de abril de 2011

    Hard Drives

    Western Digital Black Caviar 1TB HDD
    Parts of a HDD
    Hard Drives are devices used to store information. There are non-volatile,random access decive for digital data.

    In the Image tittled parts of a hard drive disk we can see that in has a motor spindle that is what moves the platters, the actuator is what moves the actuator axis for the head to write data and we can se de connectors.
    Modern HDD work at high RPM(From 5,000 to 15,000) and because of it they process information faster.
    One disadvantage is that if you are near a big magnet data will be corrupted.

    Computer Peripherals

    Types of computer storage
    Storage Peripherals
     Storage peripherals are classified in three groups.
    • The first one is Primary Storage that is the one who can be accessed directly from the CPU (Central Processing Unit) and this type of storage helps processing data.
    • The second type of storage peripherals is the Secondary Storage and it is accessible through special hardware and its connected to the mainboard through ports. Is the one where we store all the information.
    • The last type of storage peripherals are the Tertiary Storage in wich we found removable media drives as Pen Drives or External HDDS

    viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

    Input & Output Devices Chart

    Input & Output Devices

    Hardware is classified in input devies and output devices altought some of them are both input and output such as a touch screen.
    • Input Devices: Any piece of hardware that provide data to a processing system. Ex: a keyboard
    •  Output Devices: Hardware that is used to communicate the results of processing data to the outside world (Us)