lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

1. What is Netiquette?
Netiquette stans for network etiquette and is a set of instructions and good manners that everyone should follow to make the online experience pleasant.
2. What should you do when you're in a meeting and you want to be polite?
As a rule of thumb you should put your mobile phone away because when you text in meeting it gives the appereance that the meeting is not as important as your next meeting or your chat. If it is an emergency you should always tell the person first what is going on. And basically ask for their permission to use your mobile device.
3. Summarize three common mistakes and how to deal with them.
  • People tend to ask questions without researching first, this annoys people because most of the times those questions are already answered. An easy fix for this is use the search engine before asking.
  • Another common mistake is that people use abbreviations. They are ok when you are talking with your friends but limit them to those kind of talks because in workplace it makes you look informal.
  • Also people do not seem to understand that subtle emotions are not transmitted correctly on emails,chats and forums and that they must be clear and precise

2 comentarios:

  1. Yes,many people ask questions to common questions. I recommend Googling for an answer before asking a question. It's good netiquette.

  2. Great points. I agree that the digital disconnect in email takes some getting used to. I recommend following proper netiquette
