martes, 25 de octubre de 2011

System Life Cycle

Some people do not follow any order when designing software. This can´t be good because if they truly analyzed what the problem was they could develop better solutions. In the analysis they should talk with their project´s final user and gather all the possible information, perform a feasability study and break down every part of the problem in order to develop a excellent product.

After all the analysis is done then comes the next step. Design is the part in wich operations are described in detail, including screen layouts, business rules, process diagrams and other documentation. Also it is generally included functional hierarchy diagrams, screen layout diagrams, tables of business rules and pseudocodes. It is intended to be detailed in sufficient detail that a skilled programmer can usually develop the software with minimal additional input design.

In Design also prototypes are made some of them do not work and as the progress is being made bugs are fixed. Several models are released before the final product is done.
The master document that is created in this phase is the 'Systems Requirement Document' in wich is specified what is needed in order to operate.

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